I can’t believe it was only 18 months ago that I stood in our kitchen in Seattle (we’d moved there from our hometown of Chicago) and asked my husband to give me 18 months to see what I could do
How to get referred for a job
In a recent Payscale.com post titled, “How Employee Referrals Facilitate Job Recruiting,” they share an infographic from Jobvite which illustrates the importance of employee referrals when it comes to the hiring process. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to share some
A Small Business Owner Enters a Bar
It’s no surprise that I’m a huge advocate for in-person networking, and I recognize that I cultivate more meaningful connections when I get out from behind my screens, but I recently had to comment on a Huffington Post article titled,”Networking
Dear Sandy: April Fools’ Fun 2012
April Fool’s Day fun, but also highlighting some of the bad behavior many of us experience at the in-person networking events we attend. 😉 Watch this for Dear Sandy’s April Fool’s Day fun:
First in a new series: Dear Sandy
This is the first in a series of “Dear Sandy” networking related questions I’ll answer here or in future posts or newsletters. Please feel free to send me your own networking related questions and I’ll do my best to answer
A Great Primer on Networking
Here’s a link to a GREAT primer from Portland’s Neighborhood Notes blog that’s titled, “How Small Business Owners Should Be Networking.” It’s really all about the basics of networking for everyone and even covers how to utilize new school tools
A few more LinkedIn Tips
I thought I’d said all I could say about LinkedIn, but, boy, was I wrong. Back by popular demand: 10 ways to use LinkedIn to help with your job search A Happier Networking Season with LinkedIn This is a good
5 Articles About Networking Worth The Read
With the hectic holiday season approaching, and all the opportunities for socializing and networking that goes along with it, I wanted to share 5 articles I’ve come across that are definitely worth the read (yes, one is mine). 1) Here’s
How To Go It Solo at a Networking Event
I’ve recently been asked to share my advice on how best to approach attending an in-person networking event when you have to go it alone, so I thought I’d just provide access to a PDF of the Nov. 2010 article
SandyJK on You’re Hired!
Video of Sandy Jones-Kaminski on You’re Hired!
Networking defined and why it matters
Find out how I define networking and why I think it matters by watching the interview I did with Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., the host of “You’re Hired!”