Find out how I define networking and why I think it matters by watching the interview I did with Steve Piazzale, Ph.D., the host of “You’re Hired!”
How NOT to leave a job
I’ve been wanting to write a post about how one should NOT leave a job for a while now, but I’ve been too busy at my new job. And then, what do you know? Glassdoor went ahead and shared a
Sometimes you just need a recharge
Sometimes your job search or career progression can get stale and stagnant and a full-on recharge may be the only solution to getting it moving again. How do you start? My advice is to ponder the answers to the questions
SF Bay Area only – 50-4-50 special
This promo ended, but please CONTACT ME to discuss your current needs and we’ll find a way to work together! As a SF Bay Area folks only special, I’m offering a 50 minute career search, brainstorming or business development strategy
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #10
My #10 and final tip for 2010? Read this blog post titled, “20 LinkedIn Case Studies for Personal Branding” from Kyle Lacy. I spotted it on the Personal Branding Blog. I’m grateful that Kyle culled these stories and saved me
Back by popular demand – 50-4-50
Due to popular demand, I’ve made time slots available during September and October for my 50-4-50 offer. As you may recall, earlier this summer, for 2 days out of each week, I started offering friends of friends and professional contacts
Engage Online and Off
Keeping up with the rise of social media, both personally as well as professionally, has clearly created stress for some people, but for many of us it has created loads of new consulting and job opportunities that never even existed
Study shares 6 essential skills for a strong professional network
Are you building the 6 essential skills associated with having a strong professional network? In my book,“I’m at a Networking Event–Now What???”, I site a study that comes from the folks at Upwardly Mobile Inc. and the Graziadio School of
Learn to Love LinkedIn Tip #4
As a marketer, executive, sales type or talent acquisition pro, it’s always important to know your competition. Well, the same thing applies to your job search. How can you do easily do this? Start “following” the company of your dreams
Please pick my brain…for a fee!
For the next 6 weeks, and for 2 days out of each week, I’m offering friends of friends and/or my Seattle contacts a 50 minute career search or biz dev strategy session for only $50. WE ARE SOLD OUT! THANK
No more old school thinking about job hopping
I share this belief with new opportunity seekers all the time: If a recruiter, HR person or hiring manager at a company you’re interviewing with gives you a hard time about the brevity of your employment with each company you’ve