As part of our recent trip to the Bay Area we headed down to Monterey & Carmel….check out what we were lucky enough to encounter on our Sunday morning stroll near the aquarium
It’s easy being green!
Yesterday I learned about this awesome site focused on reducing the amount of junk mail, and by doing so, planting some trees….check it out & thanks Kathi!
Mark your calendars!
The date is set (Sept 18) and the site now offers some details for the PSAMA’s End of Summer Social. All AMA members get in free and non-members and guests can attend for only $10! Click here to get
Sites worth knowing
Over the past few months I’ve been asked to share info on sites I frequent or watch regularly for events, learning, new biz opps, etc. I’ll continue to add to this list, but for now feel free to check these
Super Nature
What a great weekend/vacation we’ve had with my dear friend Maria! She was visiting us from WDC where she’s lived for the past 7 years after leaving Chicago. The weather cooperated like no ones business and we are rested and
feel good about your networking?
Learned about this event at a cooking demonstration I attended last night….here’s something that will make you feel really good about staying out on a “school night.” Plus, it could be a great opportunity to meet some new PIF (pay
Business Development is not sales or marketing
Since I recently went back to consulting, and am marketing myself as a business development professional, I recognized that it was time to explain what my view of biz dev actually is and finally put it in writing. Business Development
Sandy 2.0
Today’s my last official day w/GA Creative. What’s next for this “person of possibilities” you ask? I’m happily off to be a free agent again and will focus on doing freelance biz dev work and/or consulting for 2-5 clients exclusively
Be careful HOW you wish for…
I think I felt like I was waiting to be on or at a taping of The Oprah Show my whole adult life and this past week I was fortunate enough to be there. Thanks to some fab new friends
First and last…
Highlights of my first, and likely last, visit to Akron, OH. Email me for more highlights.
Quote I like…
“Strategy and timing are the Himalayas of marketing. Everything else is the Catskills.”– Al Ries and Jack Trout Indeed, timing is almost everything, but if it were not for strategy, you could still be standing there looking at an opportunity