Something about the post below really rang true to me, so I wanted to share it. It’s about ageism as it relates to the unemployed many within the 40+ crowd. Please keep in mind that this post was part of
Caring for your career is more important than ever
Hilary Sterne & Cathy Gandel of Reader’s Digest online did a thorough job in compiling one of the most comprehensive articles I’ve seen in some time on job search and career smarts for these challenging times. After reading Recession Career
Think differently about your job search
I don’t usually write posts about job search strategies on this blog (I save that for Facebook and LinkedIn), but because I can’t avoid having job search conversations everywhere I go these days, I thought I’d share some of the
Outside perspectives are good for Seattle
Great summary in Xconomy Seattle of Brad Feld’s (Foundry Group, Mobius Venture Capital, and TechStars) take on whether the VC model is broken or not. Brad recently gave what appears to have been an insightful and well attended talk here
Networking IS a survival skill
This is probably not a surprise to most of us, but according to TechCrunch sources, LinkedIn’s usage is up like crazy. You can view their post and data here. And, of course, I luv Erick Schonfeld’s closing sentence at the
To accept or not accept
No doubt due to the increase in unemployment rates, many of us have seen an increase in LinkedIn invitations in our inbox. I’m all for helping and connecting people that I’ve met and/or know via a trusted contact, but for
Declaring email bankruptcy
Like Wade Roush of Xconomy, I’m not one of those people who think you can measure a person’s power, talent, or importance by the number of e-mails or phone calls they get every day. In fact, when people talk about
Timely ways to use LinkedIn
Loads of muckety-mucks from the tech and social media worlds spent some time at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland recently and here are the 4 things that caught my eye in Mike Arrington’s (Tech Crunch) brief chat with
In limbo?
This LaidOffCamp SF is such a great idea, and if anyone steps up to take the lead on organizing one in Seattle, I’ll definitely help out. Is there a Chris Hutchins in our midst? I’m even hoping to be in
Looking for day of service projects?
Another plug for if you’re looking for service projects ala Starbucks You In? campaign and our new Prez. As of this morning, it appears Starbucks is definitely going to hit their 1,000,000 hours match, so VolunteerMatch is a good
Doing favors
Because I read a google alert about a new site for favor-friendly people (loved that description), and then posted it to my Facebook page, I decided to test out the LinkedIn Polls tool with this poll about doing favors. Please