I know I tweeted this podcast when it was first made available, but I meant to share it here on my blog as well: It’s an interview I did with Allie Osmar of The Creative Career. I loved that she
Oh, by the way, give me some referrals even though I’ve done nothing to deserve them
Okay, so that was not exactly what the sticker said on the outside of the handwritten note (not a thank you, btw) we received from what I’ll just call a “grey collar” worker we have in our lives right now,
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #8
When I worked on-site in a business and market development role for a client in 2008 I had 2 monitors on my desk. The first had Outlook and a browser open with tabs for Salesforce.com, Gmail, and whatever else I
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #7
Maybe it’s the many years I spent in market research and/or business intelligence that made me so data driven, but I rarely react to anything without doing some research first. Where do I start? I use LinkedIn to conduct research
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #6
If you haven’t set up a PUBLIC profile on LinkedIn, it’s time. And since the system generates a random URL for your profile, you definitely want to change it to something more coherent as well as search engine optimized. For
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #5
If you can’t find a LinkedIn group that matches your needs, just create one of your own! It’s a fairly easy process and one where most of the work is actually done before you even create the group within LinkedIn.
Study shares 6 essential skills for a strong professional network
Are you building the 6 essential skills associated with having a strong professional network? In my book,“I’m at a Networking Event–Now What???”, I site a study that comes from the folks at Upwardly Mobile Inc. and the Graziadio School of
Learn to Love LinkedIn Tip #4
As a marketer, executive, sales type or talent acquisition pro, it’s always important to know your competition. Well, the same thing applies to your job search. How can you do easily do this? Start “following” the company of your dreams
Please pick my brain…for a fee!
For the next 6 weeks, and for 2 days out of each week, I’m offering friends of friends and/or my Seattle contacts a 50 minute career search or biz dev strategy session for only $50. WE ARE SOLD OUT! THANK
No more old school thinking about job hopping
I share this belief with new opportunity seekers all the time: If a recruiter, HR person or hiring manager at a company you’re interviewing with gives you a hard time about the brevity of your employment with each company you’ve
Learning to Love LinkedIn Tip #3
LinkedIn is a great tool for doing follow up after meeting someone at an event, for coffee or when you’ve exchanged business cards after a long flight back from the east coast. I often send LinkedIn invites as my follow