Yesterday, July 10, 2013, the App Store from Apple turned five and, thanks to the ecosystem they created, our team launched BetterHalf, a new iPhone date-planning app for couples looking to keep their date nights alive.
Ours is the first iPhone app created to make planning a couples’ night out as easy as a few simple taps on their smartphone. Couples can search for movies and restaurants nearby, or at any designated location, choose one of each, and then set a “date night” by sending the date plan to their significant other.
In a nutshell, BetterHalf offers a faster and easier way to craft, coordinate and carry out better dates with your better half.
Our app began, as an iPhone app idea submitted to an Applits monthly contest, and after winning “Staff Pick” it became a product of the collaboration between the platform and the creative and development team at BetterHalf LLC which consists of my husband, Keith Kaminski, serving as CEO and original designer, myself (biz dev and strategy), Bryan Dryja (dev) and the newbie co-founders of Applits (BetterHalf is the first app they’ve gotten launched – yay!), Keith Shields and Joshua Tucker.
A completely personalized iPhone app, it is basically designed to help long-time or married couples and domestic partners craft, coordinate and carry out thoughtful dinner-and-a-movie dates with their significant other. BetterHalf is currently being offered for download as a $0.99 paid app.
After downloading the app to both iPhones, couples can access their significant other’s favorite movies and restaurants, sync calendars, buy tickets or make reservations – all through the app. It’s designed as a collaboration app to assist with crafting a regular date night or to celebrate a relationship milestone or special occasion.
As Keith said, “I’ve learned the hard way that my spouse likes to have some input on our date nights, so creating something that made it easy for me to plan dates with her, or her with me, became essential to keeping our date night ritual alive and well.”
BetterHalf’s main features include marking certain movies and dining locations as favorites for a partner to see, sending, accepting, and/or rejecting each other’s date suggestions, purchasing movie tickets directly through the app, and viewing details and reviews of restaurants.
Future version plans include suggested date ideas, notifications to remind each party to plan a date if the couple hasn’t been on one within a specific amount of time, personalized gift ideas for celebratory date nights, transportation services and making reservations at other types of venues. I can’t wait for us to add these things!
BetterHalf on the iTunes App Store
Please feel free to contact me for details or with feedback and don’t forget to rate it on the App Store too. Oh, and you get read the mention we received in this VentureBeat piece: BetterHalf, a new app for couples to keep ‘date night’ alive.
Thanks in advance for checking it out!
Email: Sandy Jones-Kaminski
Bella Domain Media
Direct: 415.613.8508