This past Friday morning (1/11/08), I showed up at the crack of dawn to participate as a judge for a DECA regional competition being held at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, WA. What a great experience and one I can’t recommend strongly enough. These kids were amazing! And, yes, while a few of the sophmores occasionally appeared as though they might need some CPR, I know plenty of 30 year olds that can’t quite pull it together when they need to pitch an idea to their boss, let alone 3 of them (I was 1 of 3 judges on a panel being pitched to).
I learned about the need for judges via my participation on the board of the PSAMA – Puget Sound American Marketing Association, and want to thank Doug Hakala for bringing the opportunity to give back in this way to my attention. What an inspiring way to start my weekend!